What happens when people witness the impossible?
Available now in paperback and Kindle e-book.
“This book will become a classic among bigfooters and NY paranormal researchers, at minimum.”
— Matt Moneymaker, on Twitter 9/7/2018
In my twenty-five years of paranormal investigating, aka ghost hunting, I’ve never heard or used the term “Rabbit Hole Experience.” But after reading this book, I confidently say it has a rightful place on the vocabulary list for this field of study .
—L’Aura Hladik Hoffman
Founder/Director, New Jersey Ghost Hunters Society
Author: Ghosthunting New Jersey, Ghosthunting New York City, and Ghosts of the Poconos
These guys are talking about something important that doesn’t get much attention because it only resonates loudly with witnesses and squatchers who really do get action in the field.
—Matt Moneymaker Founder, Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization
Few books eloquently explore what happens to those who experience the unexplainable. This one does.
—Deonna Kelli Sayed
Author: Paranormal Obsession: America's Fascination with Ghosts & Hauntings, Spooks & Spirits and So You Want To Hunt Ghosts? A Down-To-Earth Guide
You will delight in joining this investigation for you shall live, up close and personal, the chills and excitement these folks have deeply felt in the woods and other byways they have explored.
—Loren Coleman Director, International Cryptozoology Museum Portland, Maine
Available now in paperback and Kindle e-book.