Michael on the Lisa Wexler show
Michael interviews with Lisa Wexler on WICC in Westchester County
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Michael interviews with Lisa Wexler on WICC in Westchester County
Michael Robartes will make a rare public appearance at the Ghostacular Paracon in Burlington VT
He will be speaking at 10, and will have a table set up with books available and to hear your Rabbit Hole Experiences. He may also be persuaded to show some evidence discussed in the book that is not posted to the web.
Heading into the Halloween season, Michael interviews with Ira Wood on WOMR Cape Cod.
Hi, Catherine!
Paul returns to his local stomping grounds to interview on WKNY in the Hudson Valley of NY. We have done a lot of field work in this area over the years, so it will be great to speak to listeners in the area.
This will be his second attempt at this interview, as the last time, we both had interviews scheduled and we simultaneously brought down two radio stations in different parts of the country.
Robartes brings the Rabbit Hole to the west coast (virtually at least) in an interview with Mary Jane Popp on KAHI, Sacramento.
1pm Pacific time, 4pm to those of us in the East
Tim Weisberg will join us at the campfire on Midnight in the Desert. Our first live interview together will appropriately have us time traveling, as the show will take place at 9pm - 11pm Pacific time Friday Sept 14, which is midnight - 2am Saturday Sept 15 for those of us in the East.
The archives will be available for subscribers, but
The show can be heard live here
We are looking forward to this one!
Michael will return to normal paranormal investigator business hours, interviewing with Barb Adams starting at midnight Saturday night and into the wee hours of Sunday morning.
00:00 EDT